Throw your waste in the right place
Picking the correct bin to dispose of your waste is very important. Please use the following list to see what is allowed, identifying the correct bin can save unnecessary waste going into landfill.
General Waste
- Paper towels
- Food contaminated packaging
- Bubble wrap
- Plastic straps
- Sandwich packets
- Salad boxes
- Floor sweepings
- Polystyrene packaging
- Carrier bags
- Crisp packets
- Sweet wrappers
- Wooden sticks
- Coffee cups
- Tin foil
- Tea bags
Dry Mixed Recycling
- Corrugated cardboard
- Boxes
- Plastic bottles
- Clean tubs and trays
- Clean food tins
- Drinks cans
- Clean cartons
- Clean tetra pak
- Newspapers
- Magazines
- Office paper
- Mixed paper
- Card
- Envelopes
Food Waste
- Sandwiches
- Fruit
- Vegetables
- Coffee grounds
- Plate scraping
- Food scraps
- Left over food
- Dairy products
Paper and Card Recycling
- Office paper
- Newspaper
- Magazines
- Cardboard
- Corrugated cardboard
Glass Recycling
- Mixed glass
- Bottles
- Jars